On the supply side, gold miners have pumped out more bullion for the past three years, including a 3% gain in 2011, to hit an all-time production high for two years running, according to GFMS. 据汤森路透GFMS说,在黄金的供应方面,过去三年里金矿公司开采出更多黄金,黄金产量连续两年创历史最高纪录,2011年的黄金产量增加了3%。
That may require new tools: the gw gold Federal Reserve would gain from being able to issue bonds that could mop up liquidity. 这或许将要求央行拿出新的政策工具:如美联储就将从能发行吸收流动性的债券中获益。
Gold enjoyed its biggest one-day gain in a month as traders scrambled to cover short positions following a temporary deal to avoid a historic US debt default. 美国达成临时协议避免了历史性的债务违约之后,本来卖空黄金的交易商们争相补仓,使得金价出现一个月来最大的单日涨幅。
The dollar did slip a bit, but gold continued its recent decline – having briefly punctured$ 1,000 per ounce, it has now come back below$ 900 – while stocks largely held on to Tuesday's gain. 美元的确略有走低,但金价延续了近期的跌势在短暂冲破每盎司1000美元关口后,目前已跌至900美元以下而股市则基本上保住了周二上涨的胜利果实。
With the price fluctuation of gold, if the investors operate properly, they will gain stable benefits from the investment in gold. 伴随国际金价的波动,如果投资者操作得当,可以从黄金投资中获得稳定的收益。
The flowsheet has the pyrometallurgical extraction as the dominant process and has the advantages of high recovery of gold and silver, significant economic gain and valid comprehensive utilization. 该工艺流程以火冶为主,金银回收率高,综合利用好,经济效益显著。